Monday, August 26, 2013


"But Dad why is it taking so long?"

"What's that Rhea"

"Why is it taking so long to grow up?"

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Her Idea, Not Mine.

Hailey wore a pair of read and white soccer inspired shoes the other day so knew just what to do when I put her down to put on mine.

Video would have been better as to capture the shrill victory yell which she likes to deliver on such occasions.

We get the same yell when she breaks through a Hailey-Fence at the house or unload her mother's entire purse before being caught.

Favorite new trick: pointing with her little index finger.

Walking at top tottering speed is fashionable as well. 'Sprinting' from one piece of furniture to another offers moments of relative safety.

Stopping, turning and maneuvering in the open floor are skills currently being polished to avoid any sudden sit-downs.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

She's One Already?

Favorite words at Hailey's first Birthday:

1) 'No!', or alternatively 'NoNoNo'
2). 'Ah - Oh'
3) 'GrangGrah'. (Grampa)

It was such an exhausting party, that we all slept through game seven. More pics to come.

Special thanks to Grandma Joanie for sending a garland all the way from New York. This unfortunately was opened after the party although the post-lady delivered it on the 20th.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Celebrate Mini Camp

This girl loves grammar to a frightening extent. She is also of course also growing up bilingual (sort of yeah) - just about everything can be said two different ways. Her baby sitter speaks a more 'raw' form of creole and her mother (in particular hehe) insists that she learns it both ways.

Oposites are a fun past time as well. She's getting pretty good I must say.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Limited Palette Expressionism?

Rhea's new blackboard, made witha piece of plywood painted black, is a big hit. As a welcome home present for her dad, she created this bit of artwork for the occasion.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Check-up time.

Horsing around and waiting for our fave Doctor (Jabour) to show up. Rhea is super shy in his presence but loves to emulate every move and phrase back at the house.

"Open your mouth and let me see where that cough is hiding."

Dr. and Sureka Maddiwar's 'Doctor in Training' scrubs still fit btw.

We still like to where the stethoscope on top of our head like an aviation headset.

A bit too much of a good thing?

Our two "flavorite" colors on display. We tend to switch up which one of the two is our second fave under the other. Purple vs. Pink of course.

Ather word creation heard lately: " Dad it was an "axculent". One or two corrections and we don't (sadly) get to hear it again.

The next picture.

Just the logical progression from our last entry.

A first for Rhea: Dish-washing!

Elephant wrinkles are all part of the discovery process. Need to look for a water-proof apron.

Derm life in the tropics.

This was I suspect a bit of a reaction to a new species of biting fly as the rainy season started. It has since cleared up and a trip to the Pediatrician confirmed that the anti-histamine she was on was the right plan.

Luckily no itching associated with it. Just ugly red splotches front and back.

Baby Steps

In the walking department there still is no rush. Hails is highly proficient while holding on and otherwise prefers a safer high-speed crawl. So far only a few staggering steps with no hands.